
Social Media Management

Bright Child (Social Ads)


BrightChild Edu Care Centre

Treating Every Child Like Our Own



Founded in 1996, Bright Child Educare Centre stood as the pioneer, offering both full-day and half-day childcare solutions in the locality. The centre has flourished, establishing a dominant presence in the area.



Focal Point

Social Media Management
Facebook Advertising
Visual appealing


Design Brief

BrightChild enlisted our social media management services with a specific request for each post to authentically represent their brand. Additionally, they tasked us with devising Facebook advertising strategies aimed at boosting brand awareness and engagement among their target audience, potentially enhancing their sales funnel. This comprehensive marketing plan aims to cover every aspect of the customer journey.

Contact Us

Do you want your business to be seen by more people but don’t know where to begin or where to go next with your business? Let us assist you!

Tell us more about your business and your goals for your business!